Frequently Asked Questions
Before getting in touch, the information below may be able to help you understand more about us. If your question remains unanswered, please email us and we’ll be happy to help. In the meantime, click a question for answers to the following FAQs.
Can I do a degree at LCPA?
No, we do not offer degree level training.
Students at LondonCollegePA study at sixth form (or A-Level) level, usually equivalent to Year 12 & 13.
Are there fees to pay?
As long as you are 16-18 at the start of your course and have proof of residency in the UK you can qualify for tuition at sixth form level, there are no tuition fees.
There is an deposit of £80 payable upon accepting a place at the college.
Once you have successfully enrolled and completed the first half term of your studies, your deposit will then be refunded to you OR you can choose to use the funds to purchase college hoodies and t-shirts etc.
How long will i have to wait after my audition?
We aim to contact you by email within one week of your audition; video auditions may take a little longer.
We are a specialist performing arts college - it’s all we do. So for us, the ideal student is one who loves and is passionate about developing their skills in the fields of either musical theatre, acting or dancing.
This does not mean that you have to have decided at 15 or 16 that you definitely are planning a career as a performer. However, we do expect that you have made a decision to commit yourself to the training we provide. We push our students hard, we expect them to give their all and we will do the same. The key to a successful career in any area is employability and we reinforce these attributes and values in all aspects of our training.
We don’t expect you to have it all figured out yet, but we will be looking for ambition, commitment and a passion for performing and curiosity about the industry.
what qualification will i get?
Our BTEC course delivers the Level 3 Performing Arts Diploma or Extended Diploma across two years. Please see the relevant page on the website for the specific qualification in each study area.
At LondonCollegePA we believe in inclusivity and diversity of our student group, and strive to accommodate all needs and special circumstances working in collaboration with the ALS team at LSEC.
Please get in touch prior to auditioning to discuss your circumstances if this applies.
What makes YOU different from other sixth form courses?
Almost everything.
Most sixth forms are classroom based. We are focused around the rehearsal studio, with an absolute focus on vocational training centered around the skills of the performing arts industry. Our tutors are drawn from that industry and are charged with the task of delivering their experience to our students in a way that works for age 16-18, where you might not be completely sure yet that you are destined for a career in the arts.
We aim to give you skills that will last a lifetime, regardless of what you do for a living later down the line: skills in communication, greater confidence , employability and a nationally recognised qualification too.
And if you are determined that your career is on the stage, screen or as a creative we are ideally positioned to propel you to the next step, be it drama school, musical theatre college or specialist university courses. We are a stepping stone or bridge to that world so that when you arrive at your destination you will be more ready than others, and feel uniquely prepared to enter that environment.
We are determined to recognise talent and commitment and support the next generation of professional performing talent into the industry. We are also determined that the skills you gain with us will be transferable and useful in other professions and industries.
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What about Maths and English GCsE?
As a Level 3 course (with 3 A-Level equivalency), we would prefer that all new students have a grade 4 or above in Maths and English GCSE to ensure that the academic demands of the course can be met.
However, if you do not achieve these grades, our commitment to supporting talent means this may not a barrier for entry to the course. However, at that stage your application will be reviewed by the senior team to ascertain suitability for the course.
Information for those who require to restudy Maths and English GCSE:
To qualify for state funding for your performing arts tuition, you will need to continue your academic studies in Maths and/or English and this will be organised with our partner college LSEC at their nearby ‘Bexley Campus’ (Walnut Tree Road, Erith, DA8 1RA). Please note, that you must study onsite with the LSEC team and you cannot study online or replace with your own tutor etc. These lessons are mandatory and take place outside your performing arts timetable. Failure to attend these lessons will result in removal from the performing arts course.
Information for applicants who have taken/are taking GCSE level exams in a different country (but who have proof of residency in the UK):
The equivalency of these exam results will be checked by the enrolment team at LSEC. Please send over these results as soon as possible to the LCPA admissions team for them to be checked in advance. All decisions by the LSEC team are final.
More information can be found via English and Maths Courses | London South East Colleges (
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